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Network topology

Network topology

The term topology is derived from geometric & it literal meaning is "shape" network topology refers to the logical or physical inter connection or link in between number of computers in a network . It determines the inter connection and communication between the number of computers in a network.
There are different types of network topology & some of major topology are explained bellow:

a. Bus Topology:
In this structure bus is a connected  to each side of the bus and a terminator in other side. It follows broad casting technique for data communication in   between  the client to the common bus .The basic structure  is shown in the following diagram .

Fig. of  Bus Topology

  • It is simple and easier to implement .
  • It is more  flexible 
  • It anyone of the clients goes down then the whole system  is not affected.


  • The data traffic is high due broadcasting .
  • The data collision rate and error rate is also high .
  • It either the bus or serve foes down then complete system is effected .                              
b. Ring topology :

In this structure all the computer other are inter connected to each there in a circular  manner , that to exactly with to computer in other side .
It follows store and forward  mechanism  for data communications. the various structure is shown in the following diagram .

Fig. of Ring Topology


  • The data traffic rate collision rate and error is low due  to one way directions of communications .
  • All the computer are independent because all the computers can act as a server as well clients .


  • It is flexible 
  • The trouble shooting process is slightly hard .
  • It anyone computer goes down then a whole system is affected .

c. Star topology:
In this structure a NUB (Router) is a main component in which a server is connected  to the NOB and the remaining  clients are also connected to the  control NOB .It follows broad casting mechanism for data communications .The basic structure is shown in the following
Fig.Star Topology


  • It is easier to setup the system .
  • It is also flexible .
  • It is easier to detect error.


  • It is slightly expensive due to cables HUB , Router etc .
  • It  the  HUB goes down then the whole system is affected .

d. Tree topology:
 It is also known as hierarchical network topology . In this structure a root computer is interconnected to one or more computers in the next level through point to point connections and gain the next level computers are interconnected to one or more computer in a next lower level computers through point to point connections.It follows broadcasting technique for data communications in following diagram.
Fig. Tree Topology


  •  The communications speed is high due to direct connections in between computers .
  •  It any problems occurs in a computer  in the system is not  a affected because the data can be  transmitted through another router in the network .


  • The  set up cast is high .
  • It is also complicated system due to large number of cables .

e. Mesh topology:
 In this structure all the computer in a network are directly connection. It is suitable for less number  of computer . The basic structure is shown in the following diagram;
Fig. Mesh Topology

Advantages :

  • The connection speed is high due to direct connection in between computers.
  • If any problem occurs in a computers in the system is not affected because the data can be transmitted through another router in the network.


  • The cost is high .
  • It is also complicated system due to large number of cables.

f. Hybrid topology :
It is a combinations of two or more  different typologies .However, the combinations of same topology is not considered as a hybrid topology .the basic structure is shown in following diagram.

Fig. Hybird Topology


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