Network architecture :
It refers to the logical and structure layout of the network that transmission devices software and communications protocols and connectivity both the components.It is a design of a communications network . There are two types of network architecture.They are:-a) Peer to peer architecture
b) Clients -server architecture
a) Peer to peer architecture :
- It is a distributed applications architecture that device workload both peers .
- All the peers are equally privileged .
- All the peers can act as as server or a client depending on the types of server or a clients depending on the types of services .
- It follows store and forward method of data transmission.
- When the communication is done in between the two computers then the others are free for communication.
- The design is shows in following in the diagram:
Fig. of Communication Process
- communication process :
Let's us consider computer 'A' wants to transmits data of the computer 'B'. The computer 'A' transmits the data to its nearest computer 'B' (clockwise direction ). The computers 'B' stores the data and computers the destination address of the address matches. The data will be recovered other wise it would be forward to it's nearest computer . This process will continue until the data which is at the final destination.
b) Client/server Architecture:
- It is a distributed network which consists a server and number of client inter-connected to the server.
- A server is a main components that provide necessary services to the clients as well as control the overall mechanism of the network.
- A client is a workstation that concuss the services provided by the server.Generally client consist limited set of hardware for tracing wit the server.
- It implements board casting method for data transmission .
- communication process:
- Let's us consider computer'A' want to transmit data to the computer'B', the data is received by the server at the first, then the server broadcast the data in the network. All the client matches the destination address along with their own address. The data is matches the destination dress along with their own address. The data is received by the client whose address is matches and the remaining will reject the data.
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